Top 10 Heaviest field pumpkins By State

GPC Results are checked by Default. Check all boxes to include all butternut squashes.
DMG-Damaged butternut squash entered in GPC and did not count.
EXH-Exhibition is included in GPC Results,but can't place.
Other-Grower entered the butternut squash , but might not be in a GPC Weigh Off.
Rankbutternut squashes
1 1137.0000Niedersachsen
2 1105.0000Michigan
3 1101.0000West Virginia
4 683.8333Virginia
5 482.2500Berkshire
6 178.0000Kansas
7 167.0000Baden Wuerttemberg
8 866.5000Iowa
9 166.0000NY
10 264.5000Missouri
11 260.5000Minnesota
12 153.0000IA